Welcome to Ayorek! SUB Festive 2013 at Balai Pemuda. The event was held next to Surabaya Tourism Information Center (TIC), it is also part of Surabaya Spectacular Night. While, Surabaya Spectacular Night is usually held every Sunday. I think Balai Pemuda should provide more space for youth events like this, since it is derived literally from the name of the building, haha you're welcome :D
There were many fun things and talks that can brighten up your mind. The event started with the screening of Surabaya AnimNation, Cak Ikin as the founder always provides cool animation nutrition for Surabaya people. Surabaya AnimNation closed by a short animation film by Cak Waw that getting hypes from Festival Film Indonesia. Indeed, it's cool and funny. Everyone's enjoying the show by the burst of laughters. Surabaya was colder that day, the influence of west monsoon which always pours more rains in December. Then, there were also brief talks with Kak Kathleen about Ayorek! website, SUB versi book, and Ayorek! Treasure Hunting. Literally, Ayorek is two phrases in Surabaya's language, ayo means come on or invitation, while rek is the term used in our every day language to call our friends. It is also derived from budaya arek or the spirit of youth in our culture especially in some parts of East Java including Surabaya. It can be an invitation for everyone to participate since "Ayorek is a platform to record, connect, and enable the city and the people of Surabaya". Now, everyone can contribute to the knowledge about Surabaya by posting your ideas, articles, videos, audios and photos on Ayorek! website. Ayorek! can be a platfrom that pretty much like the combination of narrative.ly and visualized like They Draw and Travel for the mapping. Yes, I love c2o and Ayorek! Check out their web to gain knowledge and story about our super hometown, Surabaya!
A Sunday talk was about creativity, media, commons, community & participation by Mrs. Sirikit Syah from Media Watch and featuring a talk about creative commons. If you have any blog, videos on vimeo or youtube, photographs on flickr, you should know about what creative commons license is to protect and spread knowledge from your works. For further search, just click and go visit their site or read a book entitled Free Culture/ Budaya Bebas by Lawrence Lessig which you can get or borrow C2O Library & Collabtive. If you're an Airlangga University's student, you can borrow it from American Corner Library. I'd found that book a long time ago before I knew about what creative commons is from Amcor Library.
Meanwhile, we were in love with sambosa, traditional food from Kampung Arab that similar to pastry filled with ground lamb, onions and spices, ultra delicious! There were also Arabian coffee, that also tastes like mixed with ginger extract. I didn't know how many glasses I drank, hihihi. In this event, there were also an exhibition of Post A Place #2 that shows DIY postcards about Surabaya, it can be in a form of sketch, doodle, or photograph. I made seven postcards for them. There were also treasure hunting by STD or Surabaya Tempo Dulu, a community of old Surabaya enthusiasts. They provided many trivial questions about Balai Pemuda and Surabaya in Dutch colonization era. Inyongski and me curious about one question, where is the mirror in Balai Pemuda that can reflect a Dutchman's ghost, and mostly they answered "in Tourism Information Center". Finally, the event was perfectly closed by local bands performances. Get the SUB/SIDE CD featuring some local bands on the event, only on C2O Library & Collabtive Surabaya for IDR 15k and Ayorek! journal about Kampung Arab for IDR 5k. ;)
Terimakasih tulisan, kerja keras, dan semuanya Inggittt :) -k
BalasHapusyuhuu... bangga bianget jadi bagian subversi dan ayorek :3